RT accounting services

Our services

Our services:

  • Chief Accountant service
  • Payroll service
  • Management of sales and purchase invoices
  • Daily accounting duties
  • Preparation of bank payments
  • Preparation and submission of declarations in Tax and Customs Board
  • Accounting for the objects
  • Preparation of Annual Report
  • Communication with Tax and Customs Board
  • Restoration and correction of accounting of previous periods
  • Help with starting a new company

Why to choose outsource accounting services instead of in-house accountant?!

Advantages of accounting services:

  1. Help to save money
  2. No need to pay for extra hours
  3. No need to upgrade your computer, software, servers
  4. No need to pay for the recruitment of human resources
  5. You do not have to purchase accounting training
  6. You do not have to buy equipment and software for an accountant
  7. Outsource accounting services are cheaper than in-house accountant with a contract
  8. Company, that offers accounting services, has experienced and reliable employees. If you plan to hire an in-house accountant, then you should be careful and make sure you find a real professional.

Write to Us

If performing accounting functions is challenging for you, we are ready to help you with it.